Friday, May 15, 2009


Okay so here's the deal...all the printers at Union are conspiring against us. I thought perhaps that we could print it off in the art department if the tiling feature still refuses to work in the DMS lab and after profound beating the snot out of the still hates me. Anyways...the printer here in the art department is having issues with its roller and only printing out half pages of everything. Wonderful isn't it? It knows just when to kick the bucket. Right before you all need it. honor of the mysterious passing of insanity of all the printers on campus. We are going to be completing a DIGITAL illustration as our final. Please make sure that you are willing to show it on the projector. This in my head has become more of a test / final essay on what you have learned or culminated as far as style. Make it your own. It does not have to be the large / monumental dimensions, but it still needs to function on the screen. I still need your summary of how this answers the question of what is design. Please send these to me digitally since you are having to put them up in the hallway. Have these illustrations ready to your style/ voice by final and we'll critique them then.

ALSO...PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BURN ME A DISC OF ALL YOUR WORK DONE OVER THE SEMESTER. PDF FILES ON A CD LABELED with your name_GD4_2009. This is required for documentation of student work to sum up the semester.

Thanks for your understanding. Sorry about the mess with the printers. See ya on Monday.

Ms. Eckley

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thinking about where to go after graduation?

Here is a pretty interesting and accurate list of job placements and average rent in that city. Interesting thing to consider when you are moving...cost of living vs. salary is an important thing to check out.>1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=8fd1f52bd8224270ae31f67585690a28-295452646-JT-5

Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't forget

One more thing not to forget...have your work packaged on a cd as if you are ready to send to a printer. This means...crop marks...bleeds...etc. This is important aspect to the project.

Ms. Eckley

Critique tomorrow

Hey guys,

Please look over the regulations of what you need...see older post for specifics of the needs of the assignment. Remember to have job folder ready to go. Everything that is applicable needs to be under glass. No double copies required / job folder is enough. Make sure that you have your sketchbook caught up as well as looking good for the day's events. Don't forget to send me your complaint e-mail as well. If you have any additional questions just catch me during my office hours or shoot me an e-mail.

Ms. Eckley

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday Class

Don't forget to bring a card for Karl to sign. I'll mail it out on Friday! Keep clicking away on your job folders. I'm going to be checking for conceptual progress on Friday morning. So make sure you bring your job folders and sketchbooks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wednesday's Class

Hi Guys,

Here are things you need to have either finished and or started in your job folders.

1. Job folder - marked with your job specifications
2. Need to have Bid Spec sheet redesigned and filled out
3. Print Questionaire redesigned and filled out
4. Job request in writing / or rendition of original (aka e-mail / text) if verbal put it in writing
5. Get working on jobs / sketchbook according to your time line - remember that you have to have at least 2 signed off renditions of all your job elements / that's three pieces as well as 10 pages of work ups in your sketchbook.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Project 5 / Client Project

Here are some of the particulars discussed in class concerning the Client Project:

This project will demand that you take a job through the steps from contract (infancy) to comp print (fully functioning teenager with no acne:)

Your client piece can be for any real client. Must contain three elements (plus logo if branding identity work). You must go through the steps / these are things that will need to be turned in with the final assignment on May 8th / Friday. If you would like your client to sit on the discussion of the work please feel free to invite them possible...guest / mystery person involved as well.

Here's the List:
1. 10 pages in your sketchbook of development
2. job folder containing / art approval / roughs / print questionaire / bid spec sheet / contract
3. final piece mounted under glass
4. digital copy of the summary (written in third "I" or "me" / 500 words)
5. packaged art work on a disc as if ready to be sent out to printer for upload

If you have any questions...or need know that it works just like a real ask:)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random Line for your Exhibitions List on your Resume

A Million Little Pictures: Documentary
1,000 artists documenting 1,000 lives from around the world

Art House Gallery is looking for 1,000 people from around the world to receive 1000 disposable cameras. Art House will mail the camera to you to document your life in 24 exposures and then you simply send back the prints. Not only will Art House have an exhibition in Atlanta, GA - Art House will also travel to the city with the most participants. So, tell your friends, mom, sister, cousin, or whoever to sign up. The exhibition will be home to 24,000 photographs of 1,000 people's lives across the globe.

For more information on the project and to sign up, please go to
Or contact Steven Peterman at

Try this out might be fun and a good resume line...exhibition list and they give you the materials.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Monday's Critique I'm sending out the package right now. I got images from this is what Karl is getting. Now...remember to dress up. Even though Karl isn't on this end. I still want you to look professional for the other clients that are coming in to listen. Also don't forget your 500 word summary. Please bear in mind....this new stipulation. Do NOT USE PRO-NOUNS. NO MENTION OF I, ME OR WE. Approach the design from the standpoint of a third party. Aka "The design reflects..." "The color red was chosen..." No, I really liked this color, etc. Don't forget to have it be 500 words in length / please put a word count at the top of the paper. It also needs to be e-mailed to me by 8 am. No paper copies this time, just digital for the summaries. Also...please frame up your posters and other easily seen flat material for Monday's critique. Also make sure that you bring copies of your packaged CD and other display materials if applicable.

Finally...we are meeting in the Resource room and NOT THE DMS LAB! So please come to the resource room at 8 am on Monday. We will begin critique with Karl at 8:30 am. See ya then and have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friday Class

Make sure that you have your printed materials ready to be photographed and or your photographs ready to turn in on Friday for those of you that are going to be out of town. We'll be sending things off to Karl in the afternoon.

Want to Make a Few Bucks?

PHi Mu Alpha is needing a poster design done for their latest event. The poster would be due on May 1st. Please contact me or A.K. McClain for more info. Paying gig and a good clip for your portfolio.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Roughs will be due on Wednesday. Checking back over things these should have been printed out and ready by Monday. Please be sure to check this!! It acts as joint to your syllabus! Be sure to have things ready to go if you are leaving on Friday. I need to see these roughs before they go to print. It's important! See you Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi guys,

Hopefully, your packaging went well. Ellen - if you have any additional questions before the weekend, let me know. I've got office hours Thursday.

Along the note of the CD package. Please have roughs in black and white printed out of all the stuff you have in progress. We need to look these over on Monday. Plan on Monday being part work day and part lecture. I would also like to see some progress in your sketchbooks. I'm not giving you a number of pages...please don't abuse this - put some work into the sketches. I'll be checking them over for a grade on Monday before our phone call with Karl. Please keep in mind that all the work needs to be ready to submit digitally by Friday at the end of class. Also if your musician would like to come in and set in on critique on Monday please welcome them to come and sit in.

Ms. Eckley

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On the Job Hunt

Here is a good link of what to do's and not to do's on the job hunt. Take a look.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday - Torch Workday

This class will be used for a workday for the Torch. Ellen will be directing and overseeing the layout while we all work as her minions for the day. Ellen...make sure you've got all the material we need to lay out the pages for you. Hopefully, we should be able to get a large chunk if not the whole thing designed with all of us working together on the design.

Also be sure to bring along your continued work on your concept for your CD package. I would like to check on progress and hear things that you are thinking about for your package on Wed. as well since we won't be meeting until the following Monday. If you have any questions in between now and then...I have office hours on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 pm.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hi guys,

Don't forget Friday is a work day and also interview day for those of you going to DCA/PR. Don't forget to be professional. Go over those interview and resume tips that you got in class. Be sure that all your links work and that it can run. Also have another pair of fresh eyes to look over your resume for spelling mistakes and style inconsistencies. Good luck and I'll see you on Monday.

Monday, March 30, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 12 - Mon. April 6

Here are the requirements for the CD package project:

Must find a local or original band to represent with this package. Photographs must be coordinated by or shot by you of the band. If they are not photographs which you have the rights for make sure that they are sufficiently altered (aka college, paraody, etc) that they fit within the rights of fair use within the copyright law. The work should somehow reflect the theme and style of the band, their music and their message.

If you are looking for templates to use with the project / look under illustrator / templates and blank templates and you'll find at least some standard sizing for the industry products.

1. Poster (11x17)
2. CD Booklet (folded piece)
3. Case (cardboard and or plastic)
4. CD art
5. T-shirt
6. Environmental pt. of display for band

-band's backdrop
-bus wrap
-press pass / backstage pass
-press package (folder / business card / logo / letterhead)
-radio package (floppy slip case for cd)
-bumper stickers
-newspaper ads / featuring concert dates / times
-other clothing / band gear

The due date is a tentative...will be firmly established the week of the 6th.

Don't forget to go to the workshop classes. These count for attendance at your class. Remember that some of you are teetering so make sure that you don't just blow off the workshop classes (aka don't come back after lunch). YOUR ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED and will be counted off your attendance for my class if you are not there. If you have any questions about project and or can't find a band just let me know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

National Poster Contest

Hope you are enjoying your spring break! Here is a good opportunity to just send out your work and see how it does out the world. If you want any more information please go to the link:

DEADLINE: Wed, April 29, 2009

The Progressive Patriot Poster Contest

The True Patriot Network is calling for poster art that inspires American progress and patriotism, awarding $3000 in prizes. Artists are asked to submit images that embody the nature of true American patriotism and represent such principles as mutual obligation, equality of opportunity, stewardship, and service to country. For official rules and to enter, visit

Contact: Heidi Park | | |

Friday, March 20, 2009


Hey guys...

Your assignment if you choose to accept to enjoy spring break.

When you get back on that Monday. Please bring your book portfolios and your resumes if you are planning on presenting to DCA that coming week. You all know who you are...the rest of you...make sure that you have your sketchbooks ready to go. Do some fun pages over break. Think music...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Don't forget Friday is Critique Day! This means full presentation mode (aka suit up), work under glass, doubles in slip case (if you decided to go for the brass ring) and also your 500 word summary. Remember to keep the summary in business tone addressing design decisions according to audience / history / etc.

See you then!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 11 - Wed. March 18

Come to class prepped for a work day. If you are having any problems, I'll be there for questions but it will be a quick in and out if you are in need of printing. Don't forget to grab your frames for presentation as well.

Logo Contest

Life 139 Logo Contest!

Calling all artists or persons of a creative hand! Life 139 needs a logo, and you can help! Visit the Life 139 Facebook Group for our mission statement and goals. All submissions will be considered. Please email digital images to, or mail hard copies to UU Box 1522.

The winning logo will be used for all future Life 139 promotions (including the upcoming Life Week!) and a gift card to Barefoots Joe will be awarded to the winning artist. Hurry! Deadline for submissions is April 10th. Check out our flyers around campus for more information.

Friday, March 13, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 10 - Monday, March 16

Bring to class at least two dummy copies of your cards with illustrations. Continue to build out your style in both sketching on the computer and also in your sketchbook. I realized that the slip case instructions that I gave you in class are for a hardcover slip case for books. I've got instructions on how to make the folded slip case in my office door if you would like them. Remember extra credit can go a long ways.

Professor Eckley

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wanna good line on your resume?

The deadline for submissions of abstracts for the Union University Scholarship Symposium is March 23. The abstracts should be submitted online at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 9 - Fri. March 13

Greeting Card Illustrations

Start brainstorming in your sketchbook ideas for four different designs of greeting cards (be considerate of fronts / inside panel / backs). They need to be utilizing at least two of the different styles that were demonstrated in class. They need to illustrations that are themed and or linked content-wise together with some sort of cohesion showcasing your style. If you are lacking on ideas draw on linking some of the idea generation pages together. Mix-match and try and make it interesting. The final critique will be the Friday before class. These will have to have their own slip case as well which we will go over how to make in class on Friday.

Needed at Final Critique
Cards / illustrations - printed in color and or black and white. The cards need to be blank so they can be used for anything (so this excludes you from doing anything holiday / invites / etc.) Two copies of the cards (8 total cards)
Slip Case (this should fit all 8 cards)

Needed for Friday:
Sketchbook brainstorming - be ready to work on design. Also bring an exacto knife to class and bone folder if you have one.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here's a good opportunity to stretch those design skills and make a little money on the side. Let me know if you you need any more info.

A new, locally owned and operated restaurant is opening in Jackson and needs a menu design. The designer of the winning menu will receive $150 cash by March 20. We especially want to open this contest to Art and Marketing students.

Deadline for entries is Wednesday, March 18 at 5:00pm. Please submit entries as both PDF & Word documents to

We're looking forward to some great designs!

Here are a few guidelines as to what we want--we want creative minds to run with it!
--Menu can be on front & back of one piece of paper
--Colors scheme is gold, silver & Tiffany blue
--Contemporary style
--Here is the template for menu items:

Classic Comfort Foods
--Comfort Food 1
--Comfort Food 2
--Comfort Food 3
--Comfort Food 4
--Comfort Food 5

Test Items
--Test 1
--Test 2

--Side 1
--Side 2
--Side 3
--Side 4
--Side 5

--Dessert 1
--Dessert 2
--Dessert 3
--Dessert 4

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bring to class...

Bring yourself to class on Wed. That's it. We'll be starting in on the next project.

Professor Eckley

Sunday, March 8, 2009

bring your resume

Also bring a copy of your resume to class on Monday as well. We will look these over and see how we can better encase those in the branding efforts of your book as a whole.

portfolio images

Hey guys,

It looks like we've got a lot to cover for Monday. We are going to be going over how to put together a digital portfolio and looking at some examples of portfolios. I do need you to bring your raw files of images that you would like to include in a digital portfolio. Also be brain storming a pitch and look that might encapsulate what you think might provide a good brand for you and your work. Pass the word along...

Professor Eckley

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey guys,

Don't forget 500 word summary as well. Don't worry about double spacing...just a page. Please do in a sans serif font as well / 11 pt.

Professor Eckley

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google in Class Action Suit

Hey guys,

I thought this was interesting after the Fairey case we discussed last week in class. Google is getting sued for copyright issues due to Google books. Check out this NY Time article concerning the case.

Professor Eckley

Torch Critique

Hey guys,

So we have roughly one hour before the crew at the torch gets there. This time will be spent with our final thoughts about the final design of the critique and one final hone of the pitch before the torch staff gets there. Don't forget to come prepped with the 16 page document. Two editions. One in full color for the torch staff to take home to judge and discuss and one with at least a color cover if not the copy bound and ready to be looked as a second quicker viewing for me as well. So you need two! Don't forget to dress up as well. Look professional. Suits / dress shirt and or slacks if not the full suit look. Same goes for the girls. No jeans this time dress slacks / business casual or suit. If you have any questions or are just plain stuck on a layout. I'm generally in my office in the afternoon so just drop by and we can work out whatever problems you might be having. Don't forget type treatment as well. Something I'm going to be looking at....see if you've established cohesive body copy / text format and style throughout the document as well as widows / orphans / hyphens. Be careful with all of the above. Also be aware of craftsmanship...if not double sided printing...make sure that you have all the bubbles out of pages and lined exactly.

Prof. Eckley

Monday, March 2, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 8 - Wed. March 3

Have a finalized draft ready to go in class. Printed and ready to marked up. We will critique in class, as a group. Be ready to do a fake run through of your pitch of concept as well to the class so we can help each other hone down wording, etc. for Friday.

By the critique is Friday. You will be presenting to clients (the staff of the Torch), as well as, myself. Please dress accordingly and have a color copy of the work ready to go. Nicely bound and ready to be glanced over. If you have the extra cash to print a double please do so that the Torch staff can take a copy home to base their decisions. If no extra cash...please print out a black and white version for me and we'll give the color copy to The Torch staff.

Professor Eckley

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 7 - Mon. March 2

Be ready to have individual meetings for progress. Have it printed out if possible in its most finished form. You will only have one more class period at the most to work on these to please make the most of it as you can. We will be critiquing either Wed. or Friday. Still trying to work out schedules with the torch staff. I will let you know as soon as possible. Be prepped to work in class on Monday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Friday Class and Critique

Hey guys,

I just heard from Ben and it sounds like we are going to get a extra couple of days before we have to present out booklets/mock ups of the Torch. We won't be having critique on Monday. It might be pushed to Wed or Friday. I would still like to have a working book by Monday...with only little tweaks to go. Keep working and remember that those spreads are just as important as the cover.

Friday is a work day. Use it to its fullest extent. I'll get paper in there asap and it will be in the closet.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I realized that my grading scale in the syllabus is screwed up. I adhere to the Union standard scale which is as follows:

All assignments will be assessed on a 100 pt scale. Grade equivalents are established via school catalogue and are as follows:

95 to 100 A
94 to 85 B
84 to 75 C
74 to 65 D
65 to 0 F

Sorry for any confusion...remember this blog also acts in conjunction with the syllabus.

Career Services...Check this out...

DMS / Graphic Design - Looking for a job when you get done with college?
Tuesday, February 24, 4:30-5:30 PM
Location: Career Services Conference Room

Looking to discover how to create a polished resume for a position in the field of Digital Media Studies? Interested in exploring what career opportunities are open to someone with this degree? Allow the Career Services team to give you the skills to build a successful future!

ASSIGNMENT 6 - Wed. Feb. 25

Start putting your best concepts into digital format for Wednesday. If you are not caught up on your sketchbooks please catch these up. I will be checking for appropriate amounts and this will be counted into your final grade for the project. It's easier to do this on the front end then the back me.

I would also like you to pull content from the Torch's website. Please pick some photos off of - search art / look for artwork type of photos and or take some screens shot of the actual photos from the Torches in previous years. - here is the link for the torch editions. I would stick to something from either 2005 up. Copy and paste the copy.

Here are the specifics of what you need to be included in your layouts. 16 page booklet total - this includes the table of contents and front cover.

You need:
4 / 5. Spread
6 / 7. Spread
8 / 9. Spread
9 / 10. Spread
11 / 12. Spread
13 / 14. Spread
15. text and or photo or bios
16. Back COVER

-Need to have appropriate amount of information per spread. Needs to be healthy balance of horizontal and vertical artwork paired with equal amounts of poem and short story. Remember if you have a consistent grid...these spreads are just plugging in information.

Please come to class prepped for a work day!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Torch Specifics

Hi Guys,

I just figured I would give the specifics of the job direct from the horses mouth. This is what the job will eventually look like...your mock up however is different.

Specifics of your mock up Torch
-8.5 x 8.5 finished size
-4 color (if choose)
-saddle stitched / bound with cover
-Due Monday, March 2nd at 8 am for critique (not required to be under glass)

Specifics of actual job as quoted by Golden Circle
Book: 24 pages plus cover 8.5 x 8.5 finished size
Text: 80# gloss text / 2 flats process over black
Cover: 80# gloss cover / 4-color process over black ink
Balance: All black ink
Saddle Stitched / Camera Readon on Disk

Quantity: 1,000
Price: $2,400 (aka great job to have in your portfolio to say that you did:)

ASSIGNMENT 5 - Mon, Feb. 23

Sketchbook ASSIGNMENT:

10 pages in the sketchbook of as many thumbnails / mockups that fit on your page. Each of these need to explore a different theme for cover and layout / these need to be cohesive throughout. I'm looking for exploration. Please make sure you do these initial assignments - they are crucial for your development of the project and will be counted into your final grade (so whether or not you made deadline with the sketches assigned will matter in the final outcome...I won't say anything specific in class because you are adults and know that with every action (or inaction) there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Also start translating some of these ideas / grids layouts onto the computer. They do not have to printed out just yet but they do have to be in working order. Be prepared to work in class on Monday.

Professor Eckley

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 4 - Fri. Feb. 20


5 versions of each of the 6 girds discussed in class = 30 total grids
These need to be completed on 8.5x11 format / printed in black and white and stapled into your sketchbook. The grids need to be visible so please trace over them in line format 1 pt. stroke in InDesign. When you make a modular grid and or hierachial grid please use the box format and not the line.

These grids need to be based on some sort of inspired object to see some standard on the grid (ex. my modules on this modular grid were established by the size of a quarter.) Each grid needs to be labeled with what its source of inspiration harkens back to. If you have a photo or something specific that this grid subscribes to that can be placed in the sketchbook please paste it in.

Also be sure to start collecting / researching literary magazines. Please have examples of these ready / pasted into sketchbook or citable in class. These collections can also be sketches of layout that you find interesting in them. If you are running dry on places to look check out AIGA's website. Start thinking about what you could accomplish with the Torch. Old editions are available in the resource room in the art department. Remember those old editions are not pretty...your job is to make the text and image sing. Start thinking about what kind of layout / grid might be able to best accomplish that marriage.

Professor Eckley

Monday, February 16, 2009

Career Services...Your Friends

Hey guys...

Here is an update from the Career Services Department. I suggest that you make friends with these people. They can get you hooked up in bigger and better ways than just you alone facing the real world. If you get a chance please make an effort to think about attending one of these events.

Career Services News At a Glance

1 - Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills Workshop! - February 16
2 - Résumé In A Day - February 19
3 - Getting the most from the Job Fair: Job Fair Tips Walk-in Assistance - February 23
4 - DMS Seminar - February 24
5 - Thinking Outside the Box: A Career Outside My Major...Is It Possible? - February 26
6 - Student Teacher Seminar - February 26

Job Market 2009
All Union students seeking quality internships and full-time employment leading to career development and advancement are encouraged to attend the Job Market 2009. This is a FREE event to all students.

Date: The Job Market 2009 will be held Thursday, March 5th
Time: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; Rising Stars Reception begins at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Lambuth University

For important information on upcoming workshops to prepare you for the Job Market 2009, please visit the Career Services calendar of events located at For more details on participating companies, Visit!

Also, to pre-register to attend the Job Market 2009, simply contact Career Services at 661.5421 or stop by the department which is located on the west end of Penick. We look forward to seeing you!

The Day After Critique....

Don't forget to bring in your work framed with black background on Wed. Also if you have push pins as well. I'll bring my level and we will hang this work up to show off for the young-ins.

Your assignment for the night is...(drum roll please)
to catch up on some sleep you might not have gotten over the weekend. I'll see you on Wed.

Professor Eckley

Friday, February 13, 2009


Don't forget your 500 word summary of choices that you made in your work. This includes possible placement of ads and where they might function. What publications, what demographic, etc? All these things need to be included in the summary. Please make sure that you presentation of yourself and your work is as accurate and professional as possible. Please no computer only work. Everything must be in a printed format of some sort.

If you have any additional questions...please feel free to e-mail me.

Professor Eckley

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The deadline to submit an application for an Undergraduate Research Grant is Friday, February 13. Go to for more information and to obtain an application.

The website for submitting abstracts for the Union University Scholarship Symposium is now live at The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 23.

You might be asking...what can I do as a designer for this? There's a lot actually. We'll talk about it in class.

Prof. Eckley

ASSIGNMENT 3 - Fri. Feb. 13

The assignment for Freaky Friday the 13th is not go watch a horror movie...but could be advised while doing your research for your PSA project. Make sure that you put that research into your sketchbook. Also be prepared for class with progress on your campaign for Friday. Friday will mainly be a work day with individual in-process discussions with the prof. Monday is coming soon so be sure to make the most of your time in the lab.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Internship List

Hey guys,

Here is a good site to check out for internships on a national scene. Lists them from A-Z. There's a lot out there...take a look where you could be at for the summer.

Prof. Eckley

Monday, February 9, 2009


Due: Mon. Feb. 16 at 8 am
PSA Campaign_Please choose a topic / cause that you are passionate about and create a slogan / campaign that stretches across several mediums. Please give examples of this concept in cross media formats (such as newspaper, point of display, magazine, posters, give-away materials). Have these examples mounted under glass and ready to present on Monday.

Due Wed. Feb 11
25 thumbnails / Please complete these in your sketchbook. No standardized format required. Be ready to discuss ideas and concepts for the project in class. Please come prepared to work and research on Wed.

SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT: Please go back to the paint section and choose colors that might be associated with the cause / topic and explain why.

Professor Eckley

Friday, February 6, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 2 - Mon, 9th

ASSIGNMENT / Enjoy the weekend:)

SKETCHBOOK / Go to paint section of the store and pick out paint swatches that you are drawn to. Paste them into your sketchbook and write beside them why these are attractive.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

FYI Sketchbooks

Just an FYI...I've been informed by your classmates that Hobby Lobby and Books a Million seem to be out of the 8.5x11 sketchboooks. Please go the next size up which I believe is 11x14 so you can easily fit your 8.5x11 printed pages easily. Thanks.

Professor Eckley

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Friday, Feb. 6

Must bring to class one sketchbook / 8.5x11 / hard bound / black or blue / roughly 170ish pages. Can be found at Books-A-Million and or Hobby Lobby. Also bring to class your portfolio work, as is, whether this is printed materials in a actual portfolio or a digital display of work.

SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT: Make a map of your daily commute - this could be an all day exercise or just one journey. The map could be that of sounds, textures, elements, landscapes, photos, etc. Must be readable with a legend and using the discussions of SHE that were discussed in first class. Have this ready to go, first thing on Friday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to Class

Hi Class,

Here is a great way to make sure that you have all your homework / assignments etc. However, it is only as useful as you make it. This blog will be taking the "dog" right out of the "dog ate my homework" excuse. Don't even think about saying "I didn't know what my assignment was." Responsibility falls on you, just like the real world.

I will also be posting on a regular basis. Competition deadlines, interesting articles and internship opportunities. Make sure to check this on a daily basis, because blogger is our friend. Make the most out of him.

Professor Eckley