Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hi guys,

Please expand your book to 16 pages and spread out those photos. Remember to look for widows and orphans and don't overpower the content with your theme / keep it to the edges (aka the editors note, table contents, bio, covers, etc). Please have one more rough printed for Thursday to look over in class. Also be working on your info graphic this will be due at the end of class on April 2nd. Critique will be the 4th and we will discuss job folders when you get back from break. Don't forget to start in on those posters for the poster sale. Also we will be needing to see your contact points with 5 designers (this can be a printed off email that you sent or were sent back) when we get back from break. On that note...enjoy your break!!  Get some rest, safe travels, easter candy and remember what your Savior did for you:) I'll see you when you get back!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thursday, March 13th

CLASS WILL START AT 2 PM on Thursday. I have a meeting that can't be rescheduled.

Please be gathering your content and placing it into a new rough for Thursday of your Torch. Please have your art approval forms ready to be signed off on in your job folder. For Thursday, have a printed out cover letter and a list of rules for your automated system of art making also in printed form. Those not in class hook up with students in class to get the notes for the day on Tuesday. Also we will be passing around a thank you for Steve Duin's lecture in class (aka Kathryn don't forget to bring the note). See you Thursday.

Oh one more thing, I have a jacket that someone left at Green Frog on Saturday so if you are missing a coat come and see me.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Please have two roughs for your job folder printed out. These need to be of the table of contents / front and back covers / editors note / bio. Use the old torch (stick with the same issue) for content. Update the year only. Please attach an artwork approval form to your roughs. Also have a printed out contract ready to sign. Those of you that were suggested to revise ideas and briefs please have new one included in the job folder to be signed off on. You should be working out thumbnails, but will not be shown to client (I as the professor will be checking for certain number just need to see you working out the idea on paper before you go to the computer). Don't forget to include your visual brief in your job folder if not already there or pointed in different direction.

Here are the specifics on the Torch from the printer - this is for the final that will be printed.
Book:  24 page plus cover  8½" x 8½" finish size
Cover:  80# gloss cover / 4-color process over black ink (this means CMYK)
Text:  80# Gloss Text / 4-color process over black ink
Saddle Stitched 

You will be required to make a mock up of the design. This will include several photos, short poem, long poem, short story, bio, editors note, table of contents. This document will only be half the finalized version. We will talk about content on Tuesday and what goes in it. For now concentrate on concept and execution of the covers and interior pages. We will fill with content as we go. Have everything printed out for Tuesday. Will be part of your checkoff grade for the project.

Please bring friends to Linotype movie tomorrow! 6:30 pm in D3! Hope to see you there! If you would like to sign up on my door for the afternoon time slots are still open for the workshop! If you need a ride out to Green Frog please let me or one of the AIGA officers know. Here is a map out to the shop for Saturday. Those coming in the morning we will be starting at 8 am sharp so make sure you give yourself enough time to get out there.,+Alamo,+TN&aq=0&oq=Green+Frog+Village&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.36116,92.900391&ie=UTF8&hq=Green+Frog&hnear=Alamo,+Crockett,+Tennessee&t=m&z=12&vpsrc=0&iwloc=A&daddr=Green+Frog+Village,+15+Green+Frog+Lane,+Alamo,+TN+38001

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thursday, March 7th

Don't forget to have your design briefs written for the Torch and printed with your business formatting. Start a job folder and have that with you as well for Thursday. Please remember these checkoff of deadlines will factor into your overall grade for these since we will be submitting progress grades for this for midterms. Keep with it. Also don't forget to clear your schedule for Friday evening at 6:30 for the showing of Linotype. Also if you haven't signed up for the workshop, sign up outside my door. The morning slots are gone but we still have some room in the afternoon! Don't forget to pay your $10 to me in class if you haven't already. See you then! Thursday, we talk about the very important practice of the pitch.