Monday, May 13, 2013

Final Time Slots

Again to approach this like an interview. The professionals here will be grading you on your poise in the interview, work and presentation. Please arrive a couple minutes early for your time slot and be ready at the door as soon as you time slot comes up. Good luck guys!

FINAL TIME SLOTS (alphabetical)
11 - 11:09 / Abigail Addison
11:10 - 11:19 / Hilary Borden
11:20 - 11:29 / Kathryn Buncik
11:30 - 11:39 / Lilia Diaz
11:40 - 11:49 / Alesia Fisher
11:50 - 11:59 / Julie Hembree
12:00 - 12:09 / Lindsey Howerton
12:10 - 12:19 / Megan Johnston
12:20 - 12:29 / Stephanie Priddy
12:30 - 12:39 / Kate Weekes
12:40 - 12:49 / Abby Winters
12:50 - 12:59 / Chelsea Wood
1:00 - 1:09 / Tommy Woods

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

For Thursday and Beyond



LEFT HAND SIDE (bottom up)
Design Proposal
Visual Brief
Acceptance of Proposal
Contract Terms

Artwork Approval Form
Finals (4 items / logo does not count as a single item...must be worked into a brand business package to count as an item)

CONTACTS (folder labeled with name and contacts)
Left Hand side - 5 contacts from first month
Have the original email / label with name and title of designer
Response underneath
Right Hand side - 5 contacts from second month
*NOTE It's smart to keep up this folder beyond this assignment and class...keep going.

Pull up on website or public sphere where this is posted.
Turn in contract or rules to Ms. Posey of what you were supposed to do.
Will discuss with class.

THANK YOU NOTES / (Think about putting your best project on the card...don't forget a website link)
Oden Design / Katie Jenkins (Design Director)
Toof Printing / Larry Cochran (Pre-Press Manager)
Archer Malmo / Leigh Anne Rose and Greg Hastings (Group Creative Directors)
Good Advertising / Julie Turner (Senior Account Executive)

Final portfolio will be like an regular interview. Leave forms and business plan out of the final package. Concentrate on getting your website, behance and other materials updated.

Oh just like in semesters you will have to turn in photos of your final projects for the hard drive. I need this on THURSDAY please. Will bring the department hard drive to class. If you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT FINISH THIS FOR THURSDAY YOU MUST HAVE IT TO ME NO LATER THAN FRIDAY AT 3PM. I'm sorry I won't see you all in class for more than 15 minute slots on Tuesday so we need to have these files before then to give you your final grade.

1. Portfolio (photo of package and materials) / screenshots of website and online items / branding
2. Torch / photo please of printed material (overall and details)
4. Environmental Stewardship
5. Info Graphic / In Class assignments
6. Client Project (photos of completed materials)
7. Personal Project (all 9 pieces photos)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Field Trip Details

Hi Guys,

For the field trip tomorrow. Please go online to the Horizon's Travel Registry. You can also find the link with the travel abroad site. Use your union student login to get into the the link for the union students to enter. When you get to the main site. Go to the search programs tab. Enter ART into the search field. It will give you a link to Student Forms for ART Faculty Led Class Trips. Fill out the information on the form. Class Name is ART 445: Design Practicum (even if not in that course at moment / this is what is registered under) We will be going to Memphis TN. Leave at 8 am Back by 5 pm. Please fill this out. Will take 3 minutes top. See you all at 8 am in Jennings parking lot.

Here are the direction links to the places that we will be going and order.
ODEN - 9:30 am
This one we will be parking in Tom Lee Park and walking to Oden. We will reconvene in that parking lot.

TOOF - 11 am,Memphis,+TN&cid=0,0,3840386244055511762&ei=nz2BUd_UN8T7ygHD4oD4Bg&ved=0CLIBEPwSMAA

This one we park on the street next to Toof. Park wherever you find the spot. Will meet at the front door. We will walk from here to our lunch spot. Central BBQ:) Home of awesome pulled pork sandwiches, BBQ nachos and a decent portabello sandwich. Don't forget to bring some lunch money and your student ID you get a discount.

We can park at Parking Is Fun Garage is cutting close for time or back to Tom Lee Park and walk.

We can park at the tower complex.

HEADED HOME - 4:30 pm

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Symposium Day

Hi guys,

No class today. Go support your friends at Symposium. DMS students will be in Jennings while a majority of the Art students will be in the PAC. Also use the day to work on your client project. Don't forget that you are going to need. Project Proposal Acceptance / Art Approval / Contract / Invoice with hours for the paperwork side of things. Don't forget about research / visual briefs.

FOR THURSDAY....WE WILL MEET AT 8 AM IN THE DMS LAB PARKING LOT. Our first trip is to Oden. A group will be leaving from Org Com class to head to our second location at Toof Printing. You will have to check with Abby Winters to see when that group is leaving. I need drivers to assemble. I will pay for your parking for the day as we go. Bring money for lunch at Central BBQ. We will hopefully get back no later than 5:30 pm. See you Thursday!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Critique for Environmental Stewardship Thursday

Dress up. Each of you must present. Use the easel and digital if needed. Make as professional a pitch as possible. Make sure to speak to the room.

LEFT SIDE / bottom up
1.Design proposal
2.Acceptance of proposal

RIGHT SIDE / bottom up
3.Roughs (of all files)
4.Approval Form
5.Finals (of all files)

CLIENT FOLDER / label with names / EnvironmentalStewardship_LastName/Last Name
Design Proposal (aka fleshed out design explanation) / be sure to outline design decisions on each item and if you have any speciality items that you describe function of those items as well. Please make this as understandable as possible you will not be at the board meeting to explain every function of this so make sure that the design proposal can do this for you.

All finals

Remember Tuesday there is no class due to Symposium. Use this to work on your projects and or support Abby & Mason in their presentations at the symposium. More details on meeting place for May 2nd Agency outing to come. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

RIFA critique

Hi guys,

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post with the workshop yesterday. Here are the things you need for critique. Don't forget with presentation you all need to speak. Dress the part. We will be starting at 1 pm so please be there a bit before to get ready. You can sneak out from the workshop at one of the breaks or at lunch. Please leave quietly.

LEFT SIDE / bottom up
Design proposal
Acceptance of proposal

RIGHT SIDE / bottom up
Approval Form

CLIENT FOLDER / label with names / RIFA_LastName/ Last Name
Design Proposal (aka fleshed out design explanation) / be sure to outline design decisions on each item and if you have any speciality items that you describe function of those items as well. Please make this as understandable as possible you will not be at the board meeting to explain every function of this so make sure that the design proposal can do this for you.

All finals

Remember for Tuesday, please have all the roughs of your items printed out for your job folder with approval form. Must have all these ready to be looked over in print form to get full credit.

Good luck today!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th

For Tuesday

Please have your contract / design proposal / thumbnails / roughs / job approval sheets to sign in your job folder and ready to go for the RIFA project. I have been approving them over email if you would like to get a firm nod on things before you start on roughs.

You also need to be thinking along the same lines for the Environmental Stewardship campaign. I would probably have a design proposal / contract / visual brief ready to go for that material as well on Monday if it was me. Again, remember your timeline for these items...all in your hands how fast this can go through the process.

Critique for RIFA will be Thursday at 1 pm. I know that we have the ceramics workshop that day and you are excused from morning classes I ask that you leave quietly from the workshop and be dressed for critique in the DMS lab. Each of you will present the material. Please coordinate your pitch to the client accurately so that each of you has an equal amount of time in front of the client.

See you on Tuesday!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Class today!

Hi guys,

I had an unexpected client pitch in Memphis today and I won't be able to make it back in time for class. Use today as an uninterrupted class day to get stuff done. I will sign pitches on class on tuesday or before if needed. Please proceed further with ideas and concepts be sure to e in the rough stages for Rifa since you present Thursday next week. If you have any questions on things feel free to email me or see me on Friday. Good luck and use your time wisely.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Project project projects!

Be sure to be working on both your projects. Remember to keep track with your contract, design proposal, visual brief etc. ASK QUESTIONS!! Please read Freelance or Running a Studio in your book for Thursday. Don't forget about AIGA bowling night on Wednesday. 7:30 pm at Family Fun.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Torch submission pdf and Tuesday's class

Hi Guys,

Please read Clients and Creative Process Chapters in your textbook for Tuesday's class. Also have your torch in a pdf format submitted to by noon on Friday at the latest. Please cc me on your email. Also don't forget to start going through the process for your RIFA information (deadline on April 18th, Thursday) and Office of Sustainability (deadline on April 25th, Thursday). Remember your order of events (research / design proposal / acceptance of approval / contract / thumbnails (brainstorming) / drafts - approvals / finals). Make sure that you are clicking through the order to make sure that all your ducks are in a row by deadline. We will be working on more in class projects along with these and talking about contracts and taxes next week. See you then! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Torch Critique

Hi guys,

Here is the job folder info for critique tomorrow. Make sure that you are ready to present. One copy to them and one final copy for your job folder. Use the one in the job folder to present to the class. Make sure that you dress in critique appropriate attire for tomorrow.

JOB FOLDER (1 is on the bottom and working your way up)
Left Hand Side
1. Research (2 pages minimum)
2. Visual Brief
3. Thumbnails
4. Contract (must be signed to be counted)
5. Design Proposal
6. Invoice (must be filled out with your hours to be counted)

Right Hand Side
1. Draft 01 / Must have approval attached to be counted
2. Draft 02 / Must have approval attached to be counted
2.5 / if you have more drafts please include them...don't have to have attached approval forms.
3. Final

Those of you that are not in the photo class use the hour before critique to brain storm for your other assignments aka RIFA / Office of Sustainability.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hi guys,

Please expand your book to 16 pages and spread out those photos. Remember to look for widows and orphans and don't overpower the content with your theme / keep it to the edges (aka the editors note, table contents, bio, covers, etc). Please have one more rough printed for Thursday to look over in class. Also be working on your info graphic this will be due at the end of class on April 2nd. Critique will be the 4th and we will discuss job folders when you get back from break. Don't forget to start in on those posters for the poster sale. Also we will be needing to see your contact points with 5 designers (this can be a printed off email that you sent or were sent back) when we get back from break. On that note...enjoy your break!!  Get some rest, safe travels, easter candy and remember what your Savior did for you:) I'll see you when you get back!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thursday, March 13th

CLASS WILL START AT 2 PM on Thursday. I have a meeting that can't be rescheduled.

Please be gathering your content and placing it into a new rough for Thursday of your Torch. Please have your art approval forms ready to be signed off on in your job folder. For Thursday, have a printed out cover letter and a list of rules for your automated system of art making also in printed form. Those not in class hook up with students in class to get the notes for the day on Tuesday. Also we will be passing around a thank you for Steve Duin's lecture in class (aka Kathryn don't forget to bring the note). See you Thursday.

Oh one more thing, I have a jacket that someone left at Green Frog on Saturday so if you are missing a coat come and see me.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Please have two roughs for your job folder printed out. These need to be of the table of contents / front and back covers / editors note / bio. Use the old torch (stick with the same issue) for content. Update the year only. Please attach an artwork approval form to your roughs. Also have a printed out contract ready to sign. Those of you that were suggested to revise ideas and briefs please have new one included in the job folder to be signed off on. You should be working out thumbnails, but will not be shown to client (I as the professor will be checking for certain number just need to see you working out the idea on paper before you go to the computer). Don't forget to include your visual brief in your job folder if not already there or pointed in different direction.

Here are the specifics on the Torch from the printer - this is for the final that will be printed.
Book:  24 page plus cover  8½" x 8½" finish size
Cover:  80# gloss cover / 4-color process over black ink (this means CMYK)
Text:  80# Gloss Text / 4-color process over black ink
Saddle Stitched 

You will be required to make a mock up of the design. This will include several photos, short poem, long poem, short story, bio, editors note, table of contents. This document will only be half the finalized version. We will talk about content on Tuesday and what goes in it. For now concentrate on concept and execution of the covers and interior pages. We will fill with content as we go. Have everything printed out for Tuesday. Will be part of your checkoff grade for the project.

Please bring friends to Linotype movie tomorrow! 6:30 pm in D3! Hope to see you there! If you would like to sign up on my door for the afternoon time slots are still open for the workshop! If you need a ride out to Green Frog please let me or one of the AIGA officers know. Here is a map out to the shop for Saturday. Those coming in the morning we will be starting at 8 am sharp so make sure you give yourself enough time to get out there.,+Alamo,+TN&aq=0&oq=Green+Frog+Village&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.36116,92.900391&ie=UTF8&hq=Green+Frog&hnear=Alamo,+Crockett,+Tennessee&t=m&z=12&vpsrc=0&iwloc=A&daddr=Green+Frog+Village,+15+Green+Frog+Lane,+Alamo,+TN+38001

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thursday, March 7th

Don't forget to have your design briefs written for the Torch and printed with your business formatting. Start a job folder and have that with you as well for Thursday. Please remember these checkoff of deadlines will factor into your overall grade for these since we will be submitting progress grades for this for midterms. Keep with it. Also don't forget to clear your schedule for Friday evening at 6:30 for the showing of Linotype. Also if you haven't signed up for the workshop, sign up outside my door. The morning slots are gone but we still have some room in the afternoon! Don't forget to pay your $10 to me in class if you haven't already. See you then! Thursday, we talk about the very important practice of the pitch.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Portfolio pick up

Come and pick your portfolio's up from the lab at three today:) They will be in the corner where the tablet normally is. I will have the responses from the judges and feedback on from our business guru by Tuesday. I get to play recorder of critique notes this time around...hope I can keep up with comments flying. Good luck!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Critique on Thursday

Critique on Thursday. You must drop off your box and job folder at 12:15 the start of class in the DMS lab or drop it off in my office before class.

Here are the items you must have
1. Resume
2. Cover letter on stationary (on letterhead)
3. Business Card
4. Envelope
5. Look Book / Catalog
6. Take Away
7. Thank you / Envelope (please write in)
8. Disc / Hard drive with portfolio on it

1. Business Plan (please have stapled)

RIGHT HAND SIDE (number one on the bottom)
1. LinkedIn Screen Shot (printed on 8.5x11)
2. Behance Screen Shot (printed)
3. Website Screen Shot (printed)
4. Issuu Screen Shot (printed)
5. 7 forms / transformed to fit your brand

-I will be checking to make sure that these online items are complete and have up to date information and are fully filled out. Remember that our committee of designers will be assigning grade numbers and these will be averaged. Business plans will be assessed for completeness. Large grade guys - month worth of work...make sure that you do it the justice that it deserves. You can do this!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tuesday Work Day

Have roughs of all your items for Monday - this especially includes your box and take away. You need to dummy out how this is all going to fit together into a full package. Remember you are only one week away from critique so use Tuesday's work day wisely! See you then!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 21

Thursday - please remember that we will have a guest speaker at 1 pm. Please have one to two questions prepared concerning working creatively with an illustrator and production of a book. If the conversation gets light we will round robin style with questions being asked around the room so be prepared. Also we are nearing one week mark of critique. Please be mindful of this. Print out roughs so you can see mocks of how things work and don't forget to get your ugly forms file to redesign off the instructor computer in the lab. All these will need to be present at your critique next week. Besides our guest speaker Thursday will be a true work day in the lab. Please bring everything you need to make a dent in your list of items. See you then!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Monday, Feb. 18th

For Monday, have a printed out catalog of your portfolio. Please have a working website by Monday. This can be a functional template that matches the feel of your business (aka wordpress, blogger, tumbler not behance). This means that you need to have your bio / content / work uploaded into the template and must be functional. You should also have another rough of your stationary set / be able to choose from at least two alternative designs. Keep working out your take away and rough out your holder / package that all this is going to go into. I have your business plans for those of you that turned them in with edits in my office door. You can pick them up whenever you have a chance. Keep pushing through guys! Remember this isn't just for any old client it's for you! Next week, we are onto business forms, externals and revisions.  

For those of you wanting to attend Dish conference early bird deadline ends today (Friday) so sign up today! Also we will be having our AIGA meeting at 5:30 on Monday night so that the DMS seminar students can come and so we will have use of the lab. Don't forget have a lot to talk about with the upcoming linotype workshop.

Monday, February 11, 2013

No Class on Tuesday

Hi guys,

Please continue working on your portfolios...have a rough of your catalog portfolio for Thursday's class. Please have your stationary package (thank yous / business cards / envelopes / letterheads) done for Thursday. Please have your business plan in a designed format and worked out with a resume. Be working on your take away and your designed resume to accompany your package. If you have any questions please feel free to email me I will be checking in. To those of you down for the count with this sickness feel better asap and plenty of fluids. Hopefully everyone will be on the mend by Thursday. See you then!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Identity for your Business

Hi everyone and welcome back!!

For Tuesday, please have a business name that supports your idea of your idea of who you are as a designer and what you believe about design. Make a logo / logotype. Select brand colors / main font and body copy font. Develop a list of action verbs / nouns that support the name of the business. I would suggest doing this before you develop the logo design - it will give you some fun images to play with. Please write a slogan to support your brand. Have all this printed out...will be the start of your job folder for this project.
ex. BUSINESS NAME - Fluffy Bunny Designs
VERBS / NOUNS (this will be used in your business plan language)
-talking with your mouth full