Monday, March 30, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 12 - Mon. April 6

Here are the requirements for the CD package project:

Must find a local or original band to represent with this package. Photographs must be coordinated by or shot by you of the band. If they are not photographs which you have the rights for make sure that they are sufficiently altered (aka college, paraody, etc) that they fit within the rights of fair use within the copyright law. The work should somehow reflect the theme and style of the band, their music and their message.

If you are looking for templates to use with the project / look under illustrator / templates and blank templates and you'll find at least some standard sizing for the industry products.

1. Poster (11x17)
2. CD Booklet (folded piece)
3. Case (cardboard and or plastic)
4. CD art
5. T-shirt
6. Environmental pt. of display for band

-band's backdrop
-bus wrap
-press pass / backstage pass
-press package (folder / business card / logo / letterhead)
-radio package (floppy slip case for cd)
-bumper stickers
-newspaper ads / featuring concert dates / times
-other clothing / band gear

The due date is a tentative...will be firmly established the week of the 6th.

Don't forget to go to the workshop classes. These count for attendance at your class. Remember that some of you are teetering so make sure that you don't just blow off the workshop classes (aka don't come back after lunch). YOUR ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED and will be counted off your attendance for my class if you are not there. If you have any questions about project and or can't find a band just let me know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

National Poster Contest

Hope you are enjoying your spring break! Here is a good opportunity to just send out your work and see how it does out the world. If you want any more information please go to the link:

DEADLINE: Wed, April 29, 2009

The Progressive Patriot Poster Contest

The True Patriot Network is calling for poster art that inspires American progress and patriotism, awarding $3000 in prizes. Artists are asked to submit images that embody the nature of true American patriotism and represent such principles as mutual obligation, equality of opportunity, stewardship, and service to country. For official rules and to enter, visit

Contact: Heidi Park | | |

Friday, March 20, 2009


Hey guys...

Your assignment if you choose to accept to enjoy spring break.

When you get back on that Monday. Please bring your book portfolios and your resumes if you are planning on presenting to DCA that coming week. You all know who you are...the rest of you...make sure that you have your sketchbooks ready to go. Do some fun pages over break. Think music...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Don't forget Friday is Critique Day! This means full presentation mode (aka suit up), work under glass, doubles in slip case (if you decided to go for the brass ring) and also your 500 word summary. Remember to keep the summary in business tone addressing design decisions according to audience / history / etc.

See you then!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 11 - Wed. March 18

Come to class prepped for a work day. If you are having any problems, I'll be there for questions but it will be a quick in and out if you are in need of printing. Don't forget to grab your frames for presentation as well.

Logo Contest

Life 139 Logo Contest!

Calling all artists or persons of a creative hand! Life 139 needs a logo, and you can help! Visit the Life 139 Facebook Group for our mission statement and goals. All submissions will be considered. Please email digital images to, or mail hard copies to UU Box 1522.

The winning logo will be used for all future Life 139 promotions (including the upcoming Life Week!) and a gift card to Barefoots Joe will be awarded to the winning artist. Hurry! Deadline for submissions is April 10th. Check out our flyers around campus for more information.

Friday, March 13, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 10 - Monday, March 16

Bring to class at least two dummy copies of your cards with illustrations. Continue to build out your style in both sketching on the computer and also in your sketchbook. I realized that the slip case instructions that I gave you in class are for a hardcover slip case for books. I've got instructions on how to make the folded slip case in my office door if you would like them. Remember extra credit can go a long ways.

Professor Eckley

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wanna good line on your resume?

The deadline for submissions of abstracts for the Union University Scholarship Symposium is March 23. The abstracts should be submitted online at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 9 - Fri. March 13

Greeting Card Illustrations

Start brainstorming in your sketchbook ideas for four different designs of greeting cards (be considerate of fronts / inside panel / backs). They need to be utilizing at least two of the different styles that were demonstrated in class. They need to illustrations that are themed and or linked content-wise together with some sort of cohesion showcasing your style. If you are lacking on ideas draw on linking some of the idea generation pages together. Mix-match and try and make it interesting. The final critique will be the Friday before class. These will have to have their own slip case as well which we will go over how to make in class on Friday.

Needed at Final Critique
Cards / illustrations - printed in color and or black and white. The cards need to be blank so they can be used for anything (so this excludes you from doing anything holiday / invites / etc.) Two copies of the cards (8 total cards)
Slip Case (this should fit all 8 cards)

Needed for Friday:
Sketchbook brainstorming - be ready to work on design. Also bring an exacto knife to class and bone folder if you have one.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here's a good opportunity to stretch those design skills and make a little money on the side. Let me know if you you need any more info.

A new, locally owned and operated restaurant is opening in Jackson and needs a menu design. The designer of the winning menu will receive $150 cash by March 20. We especially want to open this contest to Art and Marketing students.

Deadline for entries is Wednesday, March 18 at 5:00pm. Please submit entries as both PDF & Word documents to

We're looking forward to some great designs!

Here are a few guidelines as to what we want--we want creative minds to run with it!
--Menu can be on front & back of one piece of paper
--Colors scheme is gold, silver & Tiffany blue
--Contemporary style
--Here is the template for menu items:

Classic Comfort Foods
--Comfort Food 1
--Comfort Food 2
--Comfort Food 3
--Comfort Food 4
--Comfort Food 5

Test Items
--Test 1
--Test 2

--Side 1
--Side 2
--Side 3
--Side 4
--Side 5

--Dessert 1
--Dessert 2
--Dessert 3
--Dessert 4

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bring to class...

Bring yourself to class on Wed. That's it. We'll be starting in on the next project.

Professor Eckley

Sunday, March 8, 2009

bring your resume

Also bring a copy of your resume to class on Monday as well. We will look these over and see how we can better encase those in the branding efforts of your book as a whole.

portfolio images

Hey guys,

It looks like we've got a lot to cover for Monday. We are going to be going over how to put together a digital portfolio and looking at some examples of portfolios. I do need you to bring your raw files of images that you would like to include in a digital portfolio. Also be brain storming a pitch and look that might encapsulate what you think might provide a good brand for you and your work. Pass the word along...

Professor Eckley

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey guys,

Don't forget 500 word summary as well. Don't worry about double spacing...just a page. Please do in a sans serif font as well / 11 pt.

Professor Eckley

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google in Class Action Suit

Hey guys,

I thought this was interesting after the Fairey case we discussed last week in class. Google is getting sued for copyright issues due to Google books. Check out this NY Time article concerning the case.

Professor Eckley

Torch Critique

Hey guys,

So we have roughly one hour before the crew at the torch gets there. This time will be spent with our final thoughts about the final design of the critique and one final hone of the pitch before the torch staff gets there. Don't forget to come prepped with the 16 page document. Two editions. One in full color for the torch staff to take home to judge and discuss and one with at least a color cover if not the copy bound and ready to be looked as a second quicker viewing for me as well. So you need two! Don't forget to dress up as well. Look professional. Suits / dress shirt and or slacks if not the full suit look. Same goes for the girls. No jeans this time dress slacks / business casual or suit. If you have any questions or are just plain stuck on a layout. I'm generally in my office in the afternoon so just drop by and we can work out whatever problems you might be having. Don't forget type treatment as well. Something I'm going to be looking at....see if you've established cohesive body copy / text format and style throughout the document as well as widows / orphans / hyphens. Be careful with all of the above. Also be aware of craftsmanship...if not double sided printing...make sure that you have all the bubbles out of pages and lined exactly.

Prof. Eckley

Monday, March 2, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 8 - Wed. March 3

Have a finalized draft ready to go in class. Printed and ready to marked up. We will critique in class, as a group. Be ready to do a fake run through of your pitch of concept as well to the class so we can help each other hone down wording, etc. for Friday.

By the critique is Friday. You will be presenting to clients (the staff of the Torch), as well as, myself. Please dress accordingly and have a color copy of the work ready to go. Nicely bound and ready to be glanced over. If you have the extra cash to print a double please do so that the Torch staff can take a copy home to base their decisions. If no extra cash...please print out a black and white version for me and we'll give the color copy to The Torch staff.

Professor Eckley

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ASSIGNMENT 7 - Mon. March 2

Be ready to have individual meetings for progress. Have it printed out if possible in its most finished form. You will only have one more class period at the most to work on these to please make the most of it as you can. We will be critiquing either Wed. or Friday. Still trying to work out schedules with the torch staff. I will let you know as soon as possible. Be prepped to work in class on Monday.